Sunday morning Service

Micah 7:8-20 
Who is a pardoning God like you?

8 Rejoice not over me, O my enemy;
when I fall, I shall rise;
when I sit in darkness,
the Lord will be a light to me.
9 I will bear the indignation of the Lord
because I have sinned against him,
until he pleads my cause
and executes judgment for me.
He will bring me out to the light;
I shall look upon his vindication.

Sunday morning Service

Micah 7:1-7 
Wait for the God of Salvation

7 Woe is me! For I have become
as when the summer fruit has been gathered,
as when the grapes have been gleaned:
there is no cluster to eat,
no first-ripe fig that my soul desires.

2 The godly has perished from the earth,
and there is no one upright among mankind;
they all lie in wait for blood,
and each hunts the other with a net…

Sunday morning Service

Micah 6: 9-16 
Destruction of the Wicked

9 The voice of the LORD cries to the city—
and it is sound wisdom to fear your name:
“Hear of the rod and of him who appointed it!
10 Can I forget any longer the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked,
and the scant measure that is accursed? …

Good morning church!Welcome to our virtual Sunday morning service! We are glad you could join us, wherever you are!May you be blessed by the Word and the music!Have a good Sunday everyone.

Posted by Cote des Neiges Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday morning Service

Micah 5:1-5 : The Ruler to Be Born in Bethlehem

Sunday morning service – September 20th, 2020

Welcome to Cote-des-Neiges Presbyterian Church.We are continuing our study of the book of Micah.The text this morning is taken from Micah 5:1-5 and talks about how God uses the weak to bring forth the mighty.As we long for a peace of heart, we need a deep change of heart.Blessings.

Posted by Cote des Neiges Presbyterian Church on Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday morning Service

Sunday morning service – September 13th, 2020

Good morning and welcome to our online service.Last week, we learned about what God was doing: beating swords into plowshares, turning spears into pruning hooks. In today's message, we will see how God restores us as a remnant of His people, and includes us in His unfolding plan. When the world counts us out because we are lame, helpless and broken, God has not forgotten us. He calls us to play a central role in His plan.Join us this morning as Rev. Joel Coppieters wraps up this fourth chapter of the book of Micah.Blessings

Posted by Cote des Neiges Presbyterian Church on Saturday, September 12, 2020

Sunday morning Service

Micah 4 : 1-5 

In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it.
Many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
Every man will sit under his own vine and under his own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the LORD Almighty has spoken.
All the nations may walk in the name of their gods; we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.

Sunday morning service – September 6th, 2020

Good morning and welcome to our online Sunday service. Continuing our series "What does the Lord require of you?" from the book of Micah, the message this morning from the chapter 4 verses 1 to 5, is about what God is doing now, in this world: beating swords into plowhares, turning spears into pruning hooks.Let us work with Him to transform weapons of death, destruction and despair into tools of life, hope and healing.Blessings.

Posted by Cote des Neiges Presbyterian Church on Saturday, September 5, 2020